The process prevented decay and oxygenation, thus, killing microorganisms but preserving the biological structure of the trees. Petrified wood is a rock fossil known to have been formed millions of years ago when a volcanic eruption buried trees under hot volcanic ash. But the rare blue, green and golden sheen obsidian sculptures are displayed by connoisseurs as objets d’art that bring beauty, joy and love into their homes. Today, black obsidian is used in surgical tools. It is believed to absorb negativity and purify energy, thus bestowing peace, harmony, balance and prosperity wherever you place it. Obsidian is also known as a Crystal of Protection and Gemstone of Prosperity. Legend has it that the mystic crystal ball used by gypsies to tell one’s fortune was a round obsidian. In some circles, obsidian is believed to have metaphysical properties. The Children of the Forest shaped it into daggers and arrowheads. In the recent television series, “Game of Thrones,” obsidian was known as Dragonglass and referred to as frozen fire, the only known weakness of the White Walkers. It has been used since the Stone Age as a weapon, a cutting tool and a stone of special properties.

This precious artefact is valued in human history because of its various uses. Obsidian is a rare volcanic crystal formed by the solidification of hot molten magma in ancient lakes and cold environments.